He is the architect of the company’s development. He had the intuition to follow his passion for motorcycles in the ‘50s… and his passion brought us here today.
The Board of Directors plays a central role in the strategic guidance of the company. It is the competent body for the most important decisions from an economic, vision and control point of view.
The members of the management board are:
He is the architect of the company’s development. He had the intuition to follow his passion for motorcycles in the ‘50s… and his passion brought us here today.
He is the younger brother of Ugo and he joined the company as commercial and IT manager. It soon passed to the newborn racing division, making Trofei Malossi a world reference point for two wheels racing lovers.
She’s the second-born of Ugo. She began working on the family business sales network development. She is responsible for the production efficiency and for the further brand internationalization.
He is the eldest son of Ugo. He entered the company when he was very young and soon replaced his father with the Technical Department. Animated by the same passion for engines, he was able to seize the challenges of technological innovation, making Malossi a standard-bearer of Made in Italy quality in the world.